Kassie Radwick


(206) 586-7090


For You

What I do

I help advise clients on how to choose a medicare plan that fits them! I’m here to educate and advise what to look for based on your needs.


Medicare Advantage Plans

Part D - Prescription Drug Plans

Hospital Plans

Home Health Care Plans

Dental, Vision, Hearing Plans

Heart Attack, Stroke, Cancer Plans


Burial & Final Expense Plans

No High Pressure Sales

I’m here to educate and advise on plans that will fit you and your spouse to your needs.

Flexibly & Virtual Appointments

Don’t risk your health during a pandemic – I’m here to help ease any worries about enrolling in Medicare from the comfort of your home. Let me help advise and enroll you via Zoom, WebX, or Facetime.


Contact us

Call Us

(206) 586-7090

Calling the number above will direct you to a licensed insurance agent.

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Get in Touch

By providing the information above, I grant permission for a licensed insurance agent to contact me regarding my medicare options including Medicare Supplement, Medicare Advantage, Prescription Drug plans.